Scholarship School BD
An academic community for higher studies, research guidelines, leadership and management skill development for Bangladeshi Students.
Scholarship School BD (SSBD) is a non-profit voluntary community that provides scholarship, research, and leadership-management skill guidelines to Bangladeshi students. Various events and workshops are arranged where Bangladeshi students can develop their academic, scholastic and leadership skills.
History & About
Scholarship School BD (SSBD) was founded on 14 June 2020 by Md Nazmul Hasan Topu, a PhD researcher at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He served as the elected Secretary of Graduate Student Association in his department at the university for 2021-2022 term. Additionally, he is also serving a voluntary position as the Vice chair (IT) for Bangladeshi Engineers and Computer Science Professionals of British Columbia, Canada.
We are relentlessly working on the betterment of Bangladeshi university students to develop their research mindsets, academic excellence, career skills such as public speaking, leadership, management and team working abilities.
Scholarship School BD (SSBD) has a combined Facebook & YouTube community over 100K+ members currently, who receive free advice and guidance on the relevant matters of scholarship, research and higher studies.
SSBD iDesk
Info Session on
Higher Study, Research & Scholarship Abroad
Event: 08 OCT 2022
Md Nazmul Hasan Topu (Founder of Scholarship School BD) will deliver a talk in a webinar arranged by Jagannath University on higher study and research opportunities as the keynote speaker. All students of Jagannath university are welcome to participate. Please share with your JNU friends.

Our Past Campus Events
Scholarship School BD in News Media
Our activities are regularly covered by Bangladeshi news media.

Fundamentals of Research Methodology
Learn the most important skills needed in research
This course will introduce fundamentals of research methods with a focus on developing critical reasoning skills and applying the skills to write a successful research article as a project at the end. You will learn vital research skills directly form a world class research scholar with a practical project at the end of the course. For details, read here.

Research Camp
Opportunity to do research under a PhD scholar
Research Camp is exclusive opportunity for Bangladeshi undergraduate and Masters students to do research under the supervision of a PhD scholar. There will be opportunity of publishing the research paper. The duration of the camp is around 3 months. Students from science, engineering, arts, humanities and business backgrounds can join the camp. They will be distributed in various teams according to their disciplines and research interests.
See details below:

Primary Activities
Success Stories
Our mission is to provide equal opportunities for deserving students to pursue their dreams and achieve academic excellence. We believe that education is a powerful catalyst for change and a gateway to brighter futures. With this vision in mind, we have supported numerous students in realizing their full potential and unlocking their true talents. Read about their success here.

Join our Facebook Community
Our Facebook community Scholarship School BD has combinedly 50k+ members. In our Facebook group, members ask, share and learn various guidelines on scholarships, research and higher studies. If you have any queries on higher studies, scholarship, research and extra-curricular activities, feel free to ask in our Facebook group. Join us in Facebook and let us learn together!
English Development Clubs
Higher Study Blog
Scholarship School BD regularly publishes important and insightful higher study blogs. These blogs are extremely informative and carefully tailored to provide the best guidelines to the prospective higher study aspirants. If you did not check the blogs, please check them now and read them. It will certainly transform your academic life and career.
Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with? Fill up the form below to contact me today. I will get back to you soon! Join our Facebook group for more details.